Warrior Spotlight: How Dominique Clarke Overcame Cancer with Movement


Dominique Clarke in the gym

The beautiful part about life is that anything is possible. Sometimes life throws us flowers and sometimes life delivers crippling news. It's all about how we react to life's twists and turns that decides if we remain walking confidently on the path or if life knocks us down.

For warrior Dominique Clarke, she decided that the news of having colon cancer would not knock her down, but that she would accept the news gracefully and continue to get back up, literally, day after day, no matter how she felt about herself or the news of having cancer.


"Was it an easy journey? No it wasn't. There were days I felt the depression creeping up on me. Movement everyday helped to keep me positive. "


We are proud to tell you the inspiring story of Dom and how her bravery and persistence helped her win the battle against cancer and continue to live a positive life in gratitude as a strong, healthy warrior.  

We asked Dom about her challenges facing illness and what brought her through to the other side. Here's what she said:


How did you hear about Massy and what compelled you to begin your fitness journey with her and the MA Warriors? 

I've followed Massy's fitness journey since she first started on social media with the IG handle Mankofit. Her passion for health and wellness as a woman of color and from the Caribbean resonated a lot with me, as I'm also from the Caribbean and a woman of color. We do not see a lot of women in our community representing us in this space. 

I always enjoyed seeing Massy pushing her limits in her fitness posts and wanted that for myself. I was very attracted to one of her at-home workouts she posted on her feed during COIV19 shutdown. At the time I was going through a lot of things emotionally and wanted to change my perspective on how I viewed myself and my body. That's when I signed up with MA Warriors to join the new MA45 challenge that was just released at the time.


Dom's results after MA Warrior programs

I hear you battled colon cancer last year, can you tell us how you were able to cope with the news that you had colon cancer? I’m sure that must have been tough to come to terms with.

My colon cancer diagnosis was a very challenging time for me. When I got the news I was preparing to see my daughter graduating from high school, at the same time I was planning a big move to relocate to a different state. With this added news, this created a little more stress and uncertainty. 

Generally I'm very optimistic and positive. With that personality it helped me to look at this disease as just another hurdle to overcome. Was it an easy journey? No it wasn't. There were days I felt the depression creeping up on me. Movement everyday helped to keep me positive. 

When I found out about this news I was very angry at myself for not taking the time to get this checked out sooner, angry at myself that I have this diagnosis and angry that I have to spend time recovering from this disease. 

The MA Warrior group was so supportive when I finally broke the news on our small group zoom meeting we had. One of the warriors offered to pray with me. I cried and smiled because I knew this was genuine love and concern. Massy even recommended reaching out to other warriors I became close to, for additional resources as they were in the healthcare field. Having close family and friends with me right until the day I was admitted to surgery helped to keep me calm and bring back my positive spirit. I cherish those moments during that time.


Dom and her daughter after surgery

What did you do to stay positive during treatment? 

Prayer.... I prayed a lot. I read a lot of encouraging material that kept my mind busy and distracted during that period. I reduced my time aimlessly scrolling through social media, and gave myself a chance to just reflect on life and what it truly meant to me. I started being kinder to myself and was no longer angry at myself for finding out I had colon cancer. I was happy that I had a trial and was able to endure through it all.


How did your involvement in Massy's programs and community affect your journey to wellness? 

My involvement with Massy's programs helped me to recover faster than the average patient. The next day after surgery my doctors and surgeon were so surprised to see me sitting up in bed. I started making mini challenges for myself to walk a mile or more each day. The nurses on my floor at the hospital were also surprised to see me out in the hallways walking the next day after surgery. It was the slowest walk ever, but I was up and moving, while listening to my body.

Being motivated, but more so being disciplined to exercise can take you to so many places mentally, that you never thought you could. Massy's programs taught me how to push myself and learn when to pull back. This is the same approach I used during my recovery periods. There were days I could walk 2 miles and a little extra and then there were days I could only do 1/2 a mile walks. But everyday my goal was to keep moving and I succeeded using that approach.


What steps did you take toward healing? What/who helped you overcome it? 

Steps I took toward healing started within my mind. I had to clear out all the negative self-talk, about what I should have done, and what I could have been doing now if it weren't for this disease. Being part of Massy's MA Warrior community and programs gave me the tools I needed to learn how to continue focusing on healing internally and externally.


What advice would you give to other people experiencing an illness? 

My advice I would give to anyone with illness is to create your safe space with people you feel comfortable talking to, this doesn't have to be anyone in your family. MA Warriors was that safe space for me. It would make me feel good when I shared an experience or feeling, and a fellow warrior had similar feelings or experiences. I have gained some very good friendships from being part of this community with everyday men and women who are like minded and have similar wellness goals that I do. 

Be part of a community that empowers and motivates you to overcome your hard days. Remove negative people, things and thoughts that do not make you feel well emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally. Focus on something that makes you feel good, whatever that might look like for you. I hope anyone struggling with illness feels heard and supported.


How do you feel now after beating cancer? 

After battling cancer I've appreciated the meaning of being a Warrior in a new way, that feeling you'll only experience after overcoming a life changing event. I feel so much stronger mentally and also physically. I'm excited, honored and humbled to be part of this wonderful community of Massy's MA Warriors.


What are your favorite TRU products that aid in your training experience?

Hands down: TRU Creatine - I take this daily with my black coffee in the morning prior to working out. I can feel the difference in my strength and endurance during my sessions and even my focus on daily work tasks has improved. Lactic acid build up is reduced and I'm not sore for days out after working out.  This is my top favorite of the TRU products. It has no taste and can be included in just about everything you drink. 

Second Favorite TRU product is Dulce De Leche Protein- I have the wildest sweet tooth, and this dessert series didn't disappoint. It's plant-based, vegan and gluten free. One of my favorite ways to wind down is adding a scoop of Dulce De Leche with almond milk, warmed and topped with cinnamon (heavy with the cinnamon). It mixes well and even bakes well in my opinion. 



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