If you’re taking part in the Summer Shape Up Challenge, you’re probably feeling the burn already! We’re so proud of all our warriors for stepping up to the plate with courage and motivation to commit to this challenge and change their lives for the better. We are blessed to have such a tight-knit community of supportive warriors engaging in community and pushing each other to grow (or slim down!)
The first 3 weeks of the challenge are the most challenging and also the most important. If you’ve made it this far, you’ve proven that you can do anything you set your mind to. Keep going! The workouts and discipline to continue will get easier as you gain mobility and strength. You will start to see results if you haven’t already. Your body is purging toxins and becoming accustomed to clean, healthy eating and consistent activity. As you step into success in this new chapter, we want to remind you that you are a bada$$, and we’re rooting for you.

If you haven’t seen results yet or if you’ve missed more workouts than you care to admit, don’t let the negative self-talk get in the way of your goals. Making a lifestyle transition is huge! Honor that within yourself and continue to hype yourself up instead of tearing yourself down. That dream body outcome WILL COME, if you focus on the inputs. Try out some of our supplements like Metabolism, Protein, BCAA’s or Creatine to help you achieve your goals faster and enhance your fitness performance.
Some questions to ask yourself today are:
- Did you do your workout?
- Did you follow your meal plan?
- Did you drink enough water?
- Did you get enough sleep?

Instead of focusing on the things you cannot control (your scale weight or appearance,) focus on what you CAN control, like how much sleep and water you're getting and your perspective. We can be our own worst enemy, or we can choose to be our biggest cheerleader! Choose to keep going and push through, you're doing great. Staying positive is key, so get out there and start moving. Summer is just around the corner. Keep working toward your chance to win your dream vacation or secure a bag of cash!
If you didn’t join the challenge, have no fear. The challenge is still open for registration. This program will certainly change your life with the proper discipline, nutrition and dedication to your exercises. Choose you this summer and Shape Up with us!