Apple Pecan Baked Oatmeal

Recipe by Cornelia Sabrina,  @Cornelia_Sabrina on IG

If you are a busy bee like me, preparing all your meals in advance is a major time saver during the work week. But pre-cooking oatmeal just does not taste right. That's why baked oatmeal is so convenient. It is quickly whipped together and can be put in the oven without much worries on having to stir something or pay much attention to it until the end, which I would definitely set a timer because if you are get half as easily distracted as me you will absolutely forget about it. You can keep this in the fridge for 4 days and heat it in the microwave when needed. You can also freeze it after it is baked, best to portion it first and freeze it in separate freezer bags. Let's get baking!


Apple Pecan Baked Oatmeal

Recipe makes 4 servings

Time: 45 minutes


Dry Ingredients:

2 scoops TRU Protein (Maple, Vanilla or Chai)

2 cups Rolled Oats

1 tbsp Flax Seed, ground

2 tsp Baking Powder

1/2 tsp Sea Salt

1/8 cup Coconut Sugar

1 tsp Cinnamon


Wet Ingredients:

2 cups Plant Milk, unsweetened

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1/2 cup Apple Sauce, unsweetened

2 tbsp Almond Butter


Ingredients as add-in's and toppings:

1 Gala Apple, peeled and cut into chunks

Juice of 1/2 Lemon

1/8 cup Coconut Sugar

1 tsp Cinnamon

1/2 cup Pecan halves


1) Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix chopped apple chunks with lemon juice, coconut sugar and cinnamon. Set aside.


2) Mix dry ingredients for oatmeal in a bowl.


3) Add plant milk to a separate bowl and microwave until warm. Add coconut milk and stir until melted. Add almond butter, applesauce and vanilla extract and mix until well combined. 


4) Mix dry ingredients with wet ingredients until combined. Stir in half of the apples and half of the pecans (you can chop the pecans you add into the batter if you like).


5) Spray the baking dish (9"x9") with oil. Pour batter in carefully and top with the rest of the apples and pecan halves. Bake for 40-45 minutes. This will depend on  your oven but I would recommend checking starting at 35minutes and then every 5 minutes to make sure it does not burn on top. If it seems to brown too quickly but still is not baked all the way through, top it with some aluminum foil and lower baking temperature to 350 degrees. 


1 serving :

429 calories

19 g protein

48.6 g carbs (8.8 g of sugar)

19.2 g fat

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