Mango Tango Smoothie Bowl

Recipe by Cornelia Sabrina,  @Cornelia_Sabrina on IG

I don't know a lot of people that do not like mango and it is definitely a go to fruit for me in summer. It is already like dessert by itself, just more refreshing. Perfect for a cold summer breakfast! I would highly recommend to use fresh mango, cube it yourself and freeze it as it is MUCH sweeter than the pre frozen mango from the store, but either one works. I add turmeric to my smoothie because it adds a bit of color and also is a natural anti inflammatory.

Mango Tango Smoothie Bowl
Recipe makes 1 serving
Time: 5 minutes

1 cup Mango, cubed and frozen
1 cup Plant Yogurt, unsweetened
1/2 cup Plant Milk, unsweetened
1 1/2 scoops TRU Vanilla Protein
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 cup Ice Cubes (optional, if you prefer it more icy)
1/2 tsp Turmeric powder (optional for extra color and health boost)


1) Add all ingredients into a high speed blender and use a tamper tool to help blend it smooth. The smoothie should be thick, icy and creamy, like a soft serve ice cream.

2) Add to a bowl and top with your favorite toppings, like yogurt, granola, freeze dried fruit,
fresh fruit and nut butter.

1 serving
490 Calories
38.3 g protein
44.5 g carbs (27.9 g of sugar from fruit)
20.9 g fat

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